Kamis, 09 Juli 2020

Johnny Depp used blood from severed finger to write messages to wife, Amber Heard, during drug and alcohol-fuelled rage - The Australian

Johnny Depp reportedly scrawled messages to his ex-wife, written in his own blood with his severed finger following a domestic row.

Johnny Depp, left, and scrawled messages, some in blood from his severed finger, on a mirror, right, and coffee table, inset, of a Gold Coast hotel room his former wife Amber Heard claims he trashed as he attacked her over a series of days. Pictures: Supplied
Johnny Depp, left, and scrawled messages, some in blood from his severed finger, on a mirror, right, and coffee table, inset, of a Gold Coast hotel room his former wife Amber Heard claims he trashed as he attacked her over a series of days. Pictures: Supplied

Johnny Depp used blood from a finger severed during a drug and alcohol-fuelled rage to write messages during a “three-day ordeal of assaults” on his wife, the High Court was told yesterday.

The star of the Pirates of the Caribbean films was also accused of pulling out clumps of Amber Heard’s hair, hitting her during their honeymoon, breaking her nose with a headbutt and kicking her during a series of attacks.

Amber Heard displaying injuries said to have been sustained during an incident in which Johnny Depp has admitted to "accidentally" head butting her at their Los Angeles penthouse. Picture: Supplied
Amber Heard displaying injuries said to have been sustained during an incident in which Johnny Depp has admitted to "accidentally" head butting her at their Los Angeles penthouse. Picture: Supplied

Depp, 57, is suing Dan Wootton, the executive editor of The Sun, and the publisher of the newspaper over an article in 2018 that described him as a “wife beater”.

Loose hair as a result of injuries said to have been sustained by Heard during an incident with Depp at their Los Angeles home. Picture: Supplied
Loose hair as a result of injuries said to have been sustained by Heard during an incident with Depp at their Los Angeles home. Picture: Supplied

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The actor was filming the fifth instalment of Pirates of the Caribbean on Australia’s Gold Coast when Heard, 34, visited his rented mansion in March 2015 weeks after their marriage.

He claims that the tip of the middle finger on his right hand was severed by a vodka bottle thrown by Heard during “a prolonged and extreme rage” following an argument over a postnuptial agreement. Depp had also accused his wife of sleeping with Billy Bob Thornton, the actor, with whom she had been filming the thriller London Fields, the court was told.

“She threw two bottles at me,” he said. “The first bottle came whizzing past my head and the second smashed … and cut my fingertip off.”

Depp’s finger allegedly severed during an incident with Heard. Picture: Supplied.
Depp’s finger allegedly severed during an incident with Heard. Picture: Supplied.

He added: “When I realised the tip of my finger was missing, bleeding profusely, and the bone is sticking out, I went into some species of nervous breakdown. I was at the end. I couldn’t live, didn’t want to live at that time.”

The actor said he had used his injured finger as a paint brush to write messages on mirrors. “I remember dunking my finger in paint thinner and using paint when I had run out of blood to paint with,” he said.

Actor Johnny Depp arrives on the third day of his libel trial against News Group Newspapers at the High Court in London. Picture: AFP
Actor Johnny Depp arrives on the third day of his libel trial against News Group Newspapers at the High Court in London. Picture: AFP

A photograph of a mirror showed blood was used to write “I love you” and to draw a heart, with black paint used for further scrawled messages.

“I know exactly what I was doing. For me at the time it was the end [of the marriage],” he told the court. “I was convinced it was never going to get any better, only worse, and worse was death. So this is a message to her, ‘good luck and be careful at the top’, in reference to her ambition to be a big star.”

One of the photos shown in court reveals writing on the mirror and walls of the Australian property Amber Heard and Johnny Depp were staying in, in 2015. Picture: Supplied
One of the photos shown in court reveals writing on the mirror and walls of the Australian property Amber Heard and Johnny Depp were staying in, in 2015. Picture: Supplied

A message written on the mirror with lipstick read: “Call Carly Simon she said it better babe.” Depp says it had been written by Heard as a reference to Simon’s song You’re So Vain.

The mansion was left in “complete carnage”, with more than $217,370 of damage, the court was told.

The actor denied cutting his finger himself and claimed that Heard had lied as part of a “hoax” to “dismiss me as a wet brain [brain damage caused by alcohol abuse], a savage, an uncontrolled maniac, as a monster”.

Depp said there had been “many instances” where he flew into jealous rages, including when Heard said she was meeting Clive Barker, the British novelist and playwright, who was recovering from an illness in December 2014.

He denied kicking Heard and said that apologetic text messages he sent to her after the alleged incident in which he described himself as a “f***ing savage” did not relate to physical violence.

Damaged staircase in the house where Johnny Depp and Amber Heard were staying in Australia in March, 2015.
Damaged staircase in the house where Johnny Depp and Amber Heard were staying in Australia in March, 2015.
More damage to the house in photos tendered to the court.
More damage to the house in photos tendered to the court.

The couple called themselves Steve and Slim after the characters played by Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall in the film To Have and Have Not, the court was told.

In one text sent to Heard after the alleged attack Depp wrote: “Slim I’m truly sorry I could not be more sorry for upsetting you to the degree …

“Please know my apology is sincere and solid. I hope your meeting with Clive Barker is excellent. Love you very f***ing much, Steve.”

Depp has denied attacking Heard on a private jet in May 2014 because he was jealous of her relationship with James Franco, her co-star in the film The Adderall Diaries. He also denied headbutting her and tearing out “large chunks of hair and scalp” during a fight at their Los Angeles penthouse in December 2015.

He allegedly chased his wife before hurling her on to a bed so forcefully that the frame broke, after screaming: “I will f***ing kill you.”

Writing on a table in the Australian rental property, which was shown to the court during depp’s libel case. Picture: Supplied
Writing on a table in the Australian rental property, which was shown to the court during depp’s libel case. Picture: Supplied

Depp said their “accidental” clash of foreheads could not have led to the broken nose and two black eyes for which she was treated at hospital.

He said Heard “was swinging wildly at me” and so he had to “get my arms around her to stop her flailing and punching me, so I did so, as I did so it seems there was a collision”. He said the injury “that she would’ve suffered is not consistent with the photographs that she has given to the court”.

He also denied hitting Heard and grabbing her throat during a belated honeymoon on the Eastern and Oriental Express in southeast Asia in August 2015.

The Sun relies on 14 alleged incidents of domestic violence, all of which are denied by Depp. The trial continues.

The Times

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2020-07-10 01:30:00Z

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