Rabu, 21 Februari 2024

MAFS 2024 Episode 16 Recap: Jack is in hot water with Lauren over a 'gross' rumour before one word has the entire Dinner Party seeing red - Nine Shows

There's no welcome to Married At First Sight quite like your very first Dinner Party. 

And for the fresh blood – we mean new couples Madeleine and Ash, Michael and Stephen and Jade and Ridge – tonight will be a night they'll never forget. 

Stream every episode of Married At First Sight for free on 9Now.

While the aim of tonight was to toast to new beginnings and give the new couples a warm welcome, OG bride Lauren has other plans. 

Lauren's husband Jonathan has relayed this startling bit of information to her: another groom said he hoped there would be a couples swap in the experiment so another groom could sleep with his wife so that he doesn't have to.  

Any guesses as to who the groom at the centre of the scandal might be? If you said Jack, you'd be correct! 

Lauren is keen to roll into the Dinner Party and let her close pal Tori know the truth about her husband. She's also keen to air out just how much of a schmuck she thinks Jack is to the entire groom. 

Jono is less keen on the idea of going full throttle with the information. 

"I'm in a position that I don't want to be in but I did hear Jack say some inappropriate things," Jono says. 

Despite his reluctance, Jono says he will back Lauren 100 percent. 

And with that seal of approval, Lauren is ready to go in guns blazing. 

DINNER PARTY DEBRIEF 3: Dom and Ella explode over Jack's 'muzzle your woman' comment

MAFS 2024
Lauren is coming for you Jack, (Nine)

"Loose lips sink ships and this ship is about to go down," Lauren says.

Well, we can't say we haven't been warned. 

Cocktail Hour 

Lauren warned us about loose lips, but we didn't know they were hers. They get to work pretty quickly and before we know it Sara and Eden catch wind of what Jack apparently said about another groom sleeping with Tori. 

The brides aren't the only ones in the know, the experts are now also privy to this information and they're shocked to say the least. 

"He is offering her, that is so gross.," expert Alessandra Rampolla winces. 

MAFS 2024
The experts aren't impressed with Jack's comment. (Nine)

We take a small intermission from this Lauren/Jack/Tori debacle to turn the attention to the new couples who are mingling amongst the OG brides and grooms. 

Jade and Ridge's entrance is overshadowed by the fact that nobody can understand a word Ridge is saying. 

Just when we thought we'd heard the last of "dece", it is apparently making a comeback. 

He sandwiches every second word with "dece" and it's leaving the other brides and grooms utterly confused. 

MAFS 2024
In the wise words of Regina George. (Nine)

"Maybe it's because I'm not cool but I don't understand anything he's saying," Tristan says of Ridge's unique vocabulary. 

But something that people are starting to understand loud and clear is what Jack said about Tori. 

The situation is only made worse by the revelation that Tori is already planning an interstate move to be with Jack. 

In Pictures

MAFS 2024 Dinner Party

All the best Dinner Party looks from MAFS 2024

The boldest looks from one explosive night.

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Eager to stop her friend Tori from making a mistake Lauren says, "The only thing we can do is sit Tori down and let her know because she deserves the truth.

"Then we're going to hold Jack accountable; he has no idea what's coming."

As soon as Tori and Jack enter, Lauren swoops Tori away to give her the heads up. 

WATCH: Madeleine stuns the participants with her L-bomb admission at the Dinner Party

There's no gentle way to break the news that your husband said he hopes there's a couple swap so another groom can sleep with you so he doesn't have to. 

It looks like Tori's brain is loading following that horrendous information dump, but before she even has the opportunity to say anything the waiter clinks the wine glass and summons everyone to the dinner table. 

This should be interesting… 

Dinner Party 

Jack can feel that Tori's mood has shifted and he's quick to point fingers at Lauren. 

When he does, Lauren wastes no time in asking Jack if he said he'd be happy if there was a couples swap so another groom can sleep with Tori. 

Jack is quick to palm the comment off as a simple joke. A joke that according to Jack, "is not appropriate for the dinner table." 

Hearing the commotion at the other end of the table, freshie groom Michael just wants in on the drama. "Can we know what the joke was?" he pops his head out. 

Tristan also wants to know what the joke is. And all of a sudden Jack has the attention of all 20 brides and grooms but for once doesn't want a bar of it. 

Sara steps in and for once everyone is happy for her to do all the talking. 

She relays the 'joke' to the entire table and there is dead silence as everyone tries to process what they've just heard. 

MAFS 2024
That is not very 'dece'. (Nine)

Lucinda sums up everyone's feelings when she says: "I don't see any humour in any of that, it wasn't funny, it's disrespectful." 

Jack owns that he said that, but brushes it off as banter and assures everyone it's nothing he wouldn't joke about with his wife. 

Tori agrees they have that kind of banter and dark humour and they kiss on the lips like it's no big deal. 

"If Jack says it was a joke, I'm going to take it as a joke. I trust him," Tori says. 

WATCH: Timothy makes a heartbreaking admission about his late father to Tristan

MAFS 2024
It's a tough night if you're Tori. (Nine)

Like all of Australia, the experts are also yelling at their screens. 

"It's not a joke Tori!" expert Mel Schilling pleads. 

While expert John Aiken worries that Tori is 'accepting" this behaviour with no questions asked. 

With the matter of Jack's 'joke' is settled-ish. The issue of whether or not Jack said he is not attracted to Tori comes up again. 

Jono previously said Jack told him he's not attracted to Tori, not to mention Jack said it at the grooms' Intimacy workshop a week prior. 

But for some reason no one has the balls to out Jack.

"You said we don't have a sexual spark," Jono finally spits out. And thank God! 

But Jack says that 'sexual spark' and 'attraction' are completely separate. Last time we checked they were synonyms for each other but OK. 

"You think you build a connection with another bro and they gotta go home and say something to their wife," Jack tells cameras. Well, that just speaks volumes of Jack's guilt in all of this, doesn't it?

As Jack berates Jono for "breaking the bro code", Lauren swoops in to defend her man. "Don't come at him!" she pipes up. 

MAFS 2024
The battle of the alphas. (Nine)

Jack doesn't want to hear a voice louder than his own and tries to shut Lauren down. 

"I'm not talking to you Lauren. Can you shut your mouth," he yells.

And just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, Jack says this to Jono: "Can you muzzle your woman?"

The table erupts into actual booing and if they weren't enjoying their food so much we bet they'd probably be throwing food scraps at Jack too. 

You can see how the whole moment transpired in the video below.

"There's things you just can't say and that's one of them," Timothy tells cameras.

While Tristan adds, "That's not cool, my mum would beat me if I ever said that to a woman."

Feeling like she has a freebie up her sleeve, Lauren hurls this insult at Jack: "Your hair is pulled back that f--king tight I don't think your brain isn't computing what I'm saying."

Jack retorts, "Your face is that f--king tight Lauren." 

The other brides and grooms flick their heads back and forth as if they're watching a tennis match. 

READ MORE: Where you might recognise new bride Madeleine from as she joins MAFS 2024

The pressure of the situation is getting to Jono, he is feeling "horribly uncomfortable" and is simply not in the mood to argue anymore. 

He retracts basically everything that was said and surrenders to alpha Jack. 

"Everything you've ever said you always said that you find her really attractive, yes," Jono gives up.

Lauren is understandably fuming after her own husband does a back flip on her.

"Are you serious!?" she snaps at Jono. 

MAFS 2024
Lauren's not loving the feeling of being freshly hung out to dry. (Nine)

In all of this Tori, who we've barely heard a peep from, decides she's had enough and escapes to the lounge for a much needed breather. We don't think oxygen alone is enough to cope with atrocity, someone get her a drip stat. 

Tori is reminded by the sisterhood that is of Sara, Eden, Michael and Cassandra, that no matter her feelings for Jack that the joke is simply not acceptable.

But Tori is standing by her man and is instead coming for Lauren.

"Lauren knows me better than anyone here, she's made a mountain out of a molehill. I'm so disappointed in her and she knows it," Tori says. 

"I expect more from you," she tells Lauren. 

And if Lauren had her time over she agrees she would've done things differently. 

"Now I just feel like a sh---y friend and I kind of regret how it came out," Lauren admits.

"I feel like I lost a friend." 

Not only has Lauren lost a friend but she's also lost respect for her husband Jono, who essentially threw her under the bus after feeding her the information about Jack in the first place. 

"At the end of day, this is all Jono's fault," Lauren points the finger.

MAFS 2024
Jono isn't happy to admit he's surrendered to Jack. (Nine)

But we all know who is really to blame and that's Jack.

His day will come, and pretty quickly too because the experts will be waiting for him at this Sunday's Commitment Ceremony... join us there at 7pm.

Married At First Sight continues Sunday at 7pm and Monday to Wednesday at 7:30pm on Channel 9 and 9Now. Catch up on every episode of MAFS for free on 9Now.

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2024-02-21 10:28:53Z

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