Sabtu, 19 September 2020

The All New Monty: Todd McKenney reveals which male TV star was the worst stripper -

Todd McKenney has revealed which breakfast TV star was the least impressive on Channel 7’s stripping show The All New Monty.

This is the third time that a bunch of celebs have agreed to take their clothes off on stage to kickstart conversations about cancers and the importance of early detection.

Eight men and seven women are part of the current season with the men’s final performance to air tonight on Channel 7.

Todd McKenney is once again the choreographer and he told about the best and worst of the performers who have appeared on the show so far.

“I really love these guys so I don’t want to stick the boot in because they’re so great,” he told when asked who was the dodgiest stripper.

“Sam Mac from Sunrise, he’s going to kill me. In terms of enthusiasm he was one of the best but in terms of raw stripping dance ability … let’s just say he got there,” McKenney laughed.

Another star who’s struggled a bit is Wayne Carey who is part of this year’s show.

“For a footballer who knows how to move so well on the field, he’s a bit of a fish out of water on the dance floor,” McKenney said about the AFL great. “But he took it to heart and worked really hard.

“I drilled him. I was right on his back because I want everyone to succeed in this show,” McKenney continued. “I worked on Wayne a lot and he was probably in the end the biggest improver out of all the series. He got there, but it was hard work getting him there.”

As for who has been the most talented star to have appeared on the show so far, McKenney named a former star of The Bachelor.

“Matty J was quite good for a raw beginner,” he told “He had the moves and the body, so he was front and centre for everything.”


The All New Monty performance was filmed in front of a crowd at the Enmore Theatre in Sydney.

Getting your bits out in front of so many strangers isn’t an easy task, McKenney told

“The guys are always worried about that moment,” he said. “Having done it myself, the producers light up the audience which is meant to blind them so they don’t get an eyeful, but what that does to our mental state on stage is that we can see absolutely every person in the audience so mentally we think every person can see every bit of us as well.

“You feel very exposed at that moment.”

But some stars seem to relish being totally naked on stage more than others.

Former Home And Away star Orpheus Pledger seemed quite comfortable, McKenney noted, as did a Better Homes And Garden personality.

“Adam Dovile actually wiggles his thing around,” McKenney revealed. “I was like, ‘OK…’”


In the latest season, the male stars had a hard time learning the routine, so much so that McKenney was incredibly worried on the day of the performance that it was going to be shambolic.

“After their dress rehearsal I was like, ‘Welcome to the end of my career!’” McKenney laughed. “I’ve got to say, the only time they got it right-ish was the actual performance, thank god.”

McKenney recalled how he was forced to threaten this year’s stars in order to get them to focus during rehearsals.

“Once they get excited they all get a bit loose and they build their confidence and think, ‘We’ve got this,’ but I know once the adrenaline hits them on stage that confidence will quickly disappear,” he said. “So to try and get them to focus during the dress rehearsal, my only weapon was to keep threatening to turn the airconditioning up during the main performance.

“It worked a treat,” McKenney laughed.


The All New Monty aims to encourage people to get checked if they have any cancer-related health concerns, and the show works, according to McKenney.

“Our little fun show actually literally saves lives,” he told “Shane (Jacobson), Georgie (Parker) and myself have all been contacted by people who watched the show and then went and got tested and discovered they had cancer.

“I had a lady come up to me in Woolies and she said that she’d watched the show with her 17-year-old son. At the end of the show he said to her, ‘I suppose I should tell you now that I haven’t been able to wee properly for three weeks.’ He went and got tested and had testicular cancer and got operated on immediately.

“That’s the reason we all do this show,” McKenney said.

The All New Monty continues tonight on Channel 7 at 7pm

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2020-09-19 21:56:38Z

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