Think you know everything about Casey Donovan? The Aussie music star has opened up about health, plastic surgery, and made a stunning admission about her private life.
I do try my best. My five a day would be broccolini, asparagus, sweet potato, onion (they’re a vegetable aren’t they?) and avocado. My body doesn’t work well on fruit in general because of my polycystic ovary syndrome.
Have you ever dieted?
Most of my life I have been yoyo’ing. Being a curvy woman has had its fair share of ups and downs. It has taken me many years to be realistic and honest about what I need to do for my body. I am finally confident with the person I am. Like everyone, there are always improvements that I need to make but it is about learning not to be hard on myself. I can now run, or I call it ‘shogging’ – which is between a fast walk and a slow run. I have tried shakes and I’ve tried keto but at the end of the day you have to find something that is sustainable for your body. A calorie deficit is the best thing that has worked for my body, as well as upping my protein.

Sleep or sex?
Can I have both? No seriously, I enjoy both, so, both. In lockdown, sleep has proven easier than sex but every girl has a best friend and sex is great cardio isn’t it?
What is your absolute blowout meal?
It depends on the day, hour, mood I am feeling. I can go from savoury to sweet. Bread is my major downfall though.
Have you had any operations or broken bones?
I have had a few operations — gallbladder, wisdom teeth, micro surgery on my thumb. It was only recently that I broke my first actual bone and that was my pinky on my own knee cap. Would you believe that I hit my pinky on my knee as I got up from the couch heading to bed, and no I wasn’t drunk. I must have thought I was an acrobat for Cirque du Soleil. As the late great Whitney Houston would say, I didn’t know my own strength.
What health advice would you have given yourself 10 years ago?
Be gentle on yourself. I look back and think how hard I used to be on myself. I would tell myself to do better, that I should know better, I had no self confidence, I was always angry at myself and that would spiral into binge eating and the cycle of feeling low and down would continue.
Would you have plastic surgery?
Only if it was necessary. If I lost a lot of weight for example, yes I would opt for a removal of skin. But I am not one for a cosmetic change unless I was in an accident or unless I was told I needed to do something for medical reasons. No I haven’t had Botox, nor have I had fillers and I don’t really think I need to. The pressure on me is all weight driven, that is the thing people point out to me. I don’t think for me it is my face or my boobs. My tits and teeth are great, thank you for asking.
2020-08-30 10:00:00Z
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