Jumat, 23 April 2021

Oscars 2021 live updates: Wenlei Ma and Andrew Bucklow answer Academy Awards FAQs - NEWS.com.au

Whether you tune into the Oscars because you’re a movie buff or you love to see the red carpet fashion, Hollywood’s night of nights certainly gets people talking.

News.com.au’s Oscars experts know everything there is to know about the event, the people and the performances and you don’t have to wait until the live ceremony to talk about it.

Our film and TV critic Wenlei Ma and entertainment guru Andrew ‘Bucky’ Bucklow – who’s attended the actual event – are here to answer any questions you have or give their take on any performance you want to discuss.

Post your questions in the comment section below and we’ll answer them in our posts or respond to you there.

If the Oscars aren’t your thing, follow our live news blog for today’s updates.

READ MORE: How to watch the Oscars in Australia 


Wen and Bucky have resumed their newsroom duties now, so that's it for their live Q and A, but I'll keep the comments open if you want to have your say below.

Be sure to let us know any topics you'd like to see our reporters live blog with you about too…

They're usually taken to a green room, then a photo room, then an interview room where they have 400 journos waiting – but only 3/4 get to ask questions!

We're going to have to wrap up soon so post in any last minute guestions guys!

This one didn't come from you but one we asked Bucky in the office…

"I have tried – I tried to get into the Fox one, failed, although I saw Wes Anderson waiting for a cab and had a photo. Also tried to get close to Beyonce's at Chateau Marmont … you couldn't get within 100 metres"

A comment from Jay below…So far I'd like to see Carey Mulligan (and Promising Young Woman) win, but of the other films/performances nominated in those categories I've only seen Nomadland.

With limited time, I wonder what's the best couple of others I could watch in the meantime?

Given no one has actually invented Hermione’s time-turner, If you only have time to watch a small selection before the ceremony, I would recommend Minari, Nomadland and The Father, which are three very different films and experiences.

Minari is a gentle drama about a Korean-American family trying to stay together in a new town in 1980s America. It has a dreamlike quality but backs a weighty emotional punch, and stars The Walking Dead’s Steven Yeun.

Nomadland is a ruminative and humanist story about older nomads in the American heartland, and stars Frances McDormand as a woman trying to regain her sense of self after her town collapsed when the biggest employer shut down.

The Father is a visceral film about dementia stars Anthony Hopkins as a man whose progressive memory loss untethers him from what he knows.

But all the Best Picture nominees this year actually deserve their place on the list, there’s no head-scratcher – like Bohemian Rhapsody – that makes you nervous and pondering “eeeep, what if that actually won?!” So if you get time later on, it’s worth seeing all of them.

Here's my response to a comment from Danny below…

Godzilla vs Kong is such a good time. What a gargantuan, aggressive monster fight that perfectly illustrates the virtue of big blockbuster cinema experiences.

I know this question was tongue-in-cheek, but here’s an earnest answer: Godzilla vs. Kong was released outside of this year’s Oscars eligibility period so it may show up in the 2022 crop of nominations. After all, Kong Skull Island was nominated for a visual effects Oscar in 2018.

Security is super tight at the Oscars, as you’d expect.

Media pick up their accreditation for the ceremony a few days in advance and the rules are strict.

Journalists are told that they’re not allowed to take a photo of their accreditation and share it on social media.

They’re also told they must turn the accreditation around (so you can’t see the front) when they’re outside of the Oscars venue.

That’s basically so randoms can’t snap a photo of the accreditation and try and replicate it at home and sneak in on the big day.

If any members of the media break these rules they have their accreditation revoked.

Here's another one a reader sent in this week…

Nowadays Oscar winners are told to keep their speeches to 45 seconds – if they go over, that’s when the music starts playing they’re basically pushed off stage.

Back in 1943 British actress Greer Garson spoke for way longer than 45 seconds when she took to the stage to accept her Best Actress award for Mrs Miniver.

According to one of the Academy’s historians, her speech went for seven minutes.

Below in the comments, Miles wrote "Oh please, films shouldn't get nominated due to 'inclusiveness' and woke virtual signalling. Spike Lee's movies are really over-hyped and not that good at all. The movies nominated for best picture tell you all you need to know about the quality of the Oscars these days' and I want to take a moment to respond…

Of course, what you think of a movie is subjective but to assume that everything has been nominated due to “wokeness” reveals more about those making that judgement than the films themselves.

This year’s crop of nominated films range in story and subject matter, and many of them are telling the stories of people whose perspectives and life experiences have been under-represented in Western filmmaking in the past.

Cultures and civilisations have been telling stories about themselves for tens of thousands of years – there’s nothing wrong with telling a wider range of stories, it’s how we learn about ourselves.

Great question. So, no one is really certain for sure. There’s a theory that the Academy librarian back in the 1930s thought the statue looked like her uncle who was called Oscar, and therefore the Academy staff started just calling it Oscar for fun and it stuck.

The Oscars are voted on by the membership of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences which comprises of more than 8000 industry folk including actors, writers, costume designers, publicists, producers and more.

Membership is by invitation only and usually happens as an acknowledgment of someone’s contributions to the industry, including former nominees. The Academy has made a push in recent years to diversify its membership by inviting those from different cultural backgrounds, younger people, more women and from outside of America, to better represent not just those working in the industry but also the audience.

The various branches of the Academy nominate within their own categories – for example, visual effects artists vote to nominate for the visual effects awards – and then everyone votes on the winners.

For every category except for Best Picture, the winner is determined by whoever receives the most votes. But the Best Picture winner is determined through preferential voting, much like Australian elections. Which means the winner may not necessarily have received the most first preference votes but a combination of voters’ first, second or third preferences as their other choices are knocked out in each round of counting.

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2021-04-23 01:30:13Z

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