Sabtu, 20 Juni 2020

Eat, Pray, Love author Elizabeth Gilbert on why her response to Black Lives Matter is to #ShareTheMicNow - ABC News

If we were all to write a memoir about 2020, author Elizabeth Gilbert has a title that would suit everyone, regardless of their experience: Not Exactly What I Saw Coming.

Gilbert's own story would unfold something like this: A global pandemic. An economy in tatters. Travel plans upended. A new book left unwritten. And then, finally, a massive social justice movement, one she hopes will bring about real and lasting change.

"We've all been called to our assignment and I feel like, in the millions, it's happening," she tells ABC RN's Geraldine Doogue.

"Everyone is digging down, quickly catching up and jumping in, and it's pretty exciting."

The bestselling American author — perhaps best known for Eat, Pray, Love — is talking about the Black Lives Matter movement, which has arisen with renewed power and urgency in the wake of George Floyd's death.

Black Lives Matter protest
Massive protests have sprung up around the world, including America, the UK and Australia.(Getty: Daniel Leal-Olivas via AFP)

It is no longer enough, Gilbert says, to not be racist.

You have to be "actively anti-racist" — and white people have to examine the privilege that comes with the colour of their skin.

She acknowledges that going inward in this way can be a shock, can be accompanied by grief, paralysis, shame and guilt. But she warns: "You want to get over that speedbump as quickly as you can."

"I've been taught by the black activists that I follow that they don't really need my self-loathing and my guilt and shame, it doesn't serve them, it's not helpful," Gilbert says.

"It actually makes the story about me. If I'm experiencing self-loathing, then somebody has to comfort me.

"Whatever you do, don't go to a person who is in an oppressed class and ask them to make you feel better about that. They've got enough work on their own."

Gilbert says some black leaders have described white guilt as "a casualty of white supremacy".

"What I've been hearing people say is: 'White supremacy is the reason you feel so guilty. It's the reason we are having such struggles in this community, but it's the reason that you're having an emotional difficulty as well,'" she says.

"It's not serving anybody, so let's get rid of it fully."

Sharing the Mic

For Gilbert, long a champion of women of colour, being actively anti-racist means using her platform to amplify black voices.

On Instagram, she's joined the Share The Mic Now campaign.

Her 992,000 followers no longer see her authentic, raw reflections on life and love, or publicity for her new book City of Girls. Instead, they learn from people like Brittney Cooper.

Dr Cooper, an American author, teacher and activist, took over Gilbert's page last week.

More than 100,000 people have now watched a powerful video in which she reflects on racism, rage, feminism and the responsibility of white women in this moment.


"We're talking about racism as a system that all of us are born into ... that predetermines roles," Dr Cooper says.

"Certain types of challenges are automatically going to be mine just because I wake up every day in this beautiful black body. Certain types of privileges are going to be yours just because you wake up in a white body.

"We don't get past having incidents like the killing of George Floyd, the killing of Breonna Taylor, unless we can begin to talk very openly and honestly about how we have arrived here."

Gilbert later wrote: "Listening to her speak made my skull feel like it was positively electrified."

The author has also highlighted the work of Rachel Cargle, a public academic, writer and lecturer.


"She is a tireless, incredibly eloquent nuts-and-bolts educator, particularly as a black woman speaking to white women, and particularly as a black woman speaking to white liberal progressive women who for far too long have not been showing up for black women in America," Gilbert says.

Gilbert believes we do not have ideas. Instead, ideas choose us, and plant themselves in our minds, ready to be nurtured and realised.

The idea of Share The Mic Now, she says, landed with a close circle of friends, among them Glennon Doyle and Luvvie Ajayi Jones, both authors and activists.

"This whole movement started because of that real friendship where they were calling each other saying 'what can we do?'" Gilbert says.

"Luvvie said to Glennon, 'Gather up all the white women friends you trust and I'm going to gather up all the black women friends I trust and we're going to do this thing.'

"It's all entirely based on female trust and friendship. I would say it's what's going to make it work."


Abandoning the 'ruined woman' trope

The beauty of female friendships is where Gilbert draws a link to her new book, City of Girls.

"It is a book about sex and it is a book about promiscuity and it is a book about fun New York City theatre in the 1940s, but primarily in my imagination it's a book about the primal, foundational importance of female friendship," says Gilbert, speaking as part of RN's Big Weekend of Books.

Her creation in City of Girls is a wonderfully game woman called Vivian Morris, who has a big appetite for life and who decides to live it to the full without (eventually) shame or guilt.

She gets singed, yes — but not burned.

"When people ask me about the origins of this book, it's that as a female reader one gets so tired of the repetitive story of the ruined woman," Gilbert says.

"The message that comes through those books and through the repetition of that story is that women cannot risk a single error, cannot survive a single mistake, cannot do a single thing with reckless abandon.

"[But] if women couldn't survive our own terrible, terrible judgement in terms of sex and romance, there would scarcely be a woman left alive in the world right now."

An aware and activated generation

City of Girls unfolds in 1940s New York, against the backdrop of the war.

Gilbert also finds a parallel between the young people of 2020 and the young people of the 40s.

A lot was being asked of them — and when the time came they rolled up their sleeves and got to work. Today's young people are fighting a different battle, but they are doing the work.

A group of young female students in school uniform hold signs calling for action on climate change.
Gilbert says Generation Z is facing a "tough moment", but rising to the challenge.(ABC News: Jedda Costa)

"If I were to make a sweeping generalisation about Gen Z and about the young people coming up right now, I would say they are the best generation I've seen yet," Gilbert says.

"They are very sensitive, and they've been taught that they are allowed to be sensitive, and as a result they are not bullying, homophobic, racist jackasses."

They may not be carefree — but then again it's not a carefree time.

The anxieties of the young, Gilbert says, are rooted in reality.

"These kids have grown up from very early childhood understanding that the world is quite literally ending, that global warming is a thing that is happening. I can't imagine what it's like to be 22 knowing that," she says.

"Knowing where the sea levels are going to be in 30 years, how do you decide whether or not to have a child, how do you make plans for your life?

"It's a tough moment, but they are rising to it also.

"These ... young kids are activated and they are intelligent. That anxiety that we see in them also comes with an awareness and with a conscientiousness and with a disgust for politics as usual and this brutal machine of capitalism. They are interesting people."

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2020-06-21 02:57:45Z

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