Sabtu, 18 April 2020

The true story of the friendship between the Queen and Princess Margaret - 9Honey

When the Queen and Princess Margaret were growing up, they called each other "Lilibet" and "Margot." They were said to be best friends and, at four years apart, they were close enough in age to be confidantes, sharing a unique life journey in the public eye.

Like most siblings, the sisters had their fair share of ups and downs but for much of their adult life they were said to be incredibly close. According to Vanity Fair the women even had a direct phone line between their homes so they could talk to each other whenever they needed to.

A wartime picture of Princess Elizabeth (right) and Princess Margaret after they broadcast on "Children's Hour" from Buckingham Palace, 13 October 1940. (PA/AAP)

It goes without saying that much of the friction between the women was due to the various scandals Princess Margaret found herself involved in; especially when she fell in love with a divorced royal staff member who was nearly twice her age.

Yet life can't have been easy for Margaret, being fully aware from childhood that her big sister would eventually become Queen of England. On the other hand, it must have been incredibly challenging for the Queen being expected to maintain a squeaky-clean public image at all times.

But that public image was stripped away when the sisters were together. According to writer Reinaldo Herrera, while Margaret would always refer to her sister in public as "the Queen", in private she still either called her "my sister" or "Lilibet." Herrera met Princess Margaret in Barbados in the 1950s and, with his wife designer Carolina Herrera, met the Queen briefly some years later.

Princess Elizabeth, Prince Philip, the Queen Mother, King George VI and Princess Margaret. (Getty)

"You never forgot she was the Queen," he wrote of the monarch.

"Princess Margaret, on the other hand, could have been anybody she wanted had she been born into any other family. She was a keenly intelligent woman, curious about art, religion, sex, and philosophy - and, of course, good gossip."

While the Queen's purpose in life was to serve the British empire, for Margaret, life was a different story. In her youth, she was routinely criticised for throwing wild parties, chasing the wrong men, or losing her temper. But regardless of their different public roles, the sisters enjoyed one of the most unique sibling relationships the world has ever seen.

The early years

The Queen was ten and Margaret was six when their uncle Edward VIII abdicated the throne so he was free to marry Wallis Simpson. This saw their beloved father George step up to become King George VI. Elizabeth was named his successor and, from that time onward, she was always treated very differently to her sister.

It's believed Margaret once said, "Now that Papa is king, I am nothing." The King was said to be incredibly close to both of his daughters and was once quoted as saying, "Lilibet is my pride, Margaret my joy."

Princess Elizabeth, left, Princess Margaret and their father King George VI in Britain. (AP/AAP)

From the age of ten, Elizabeth was prepared for her duties as Queen, even though it was assumed she'd be an older woman when her father died.

She was schooled in history lessons with a vice provost from Eton while Margaret was taught by a governess, with a focus on the arts, dance and music. Many believed Margaret would have achieved a great many more things in her life if she'd been given the same education as her sister.

As the sisters grew up, Elizabeth was seen by the public as a placid, highly conservative woman while Margaret, who had more freedom, was seen as the "wild one". She was regularly photographed smoking in public, which was not seen as being ladylike or befitting of a royal woman.

Persian Turquoise Tiara Princess Margaret
Princes Margaret arriving at a dinner on 19 May, 1966. (Getty)

When Elizabeth ascended to the throne at the age of 25, following the sudden death of her father in 1952, Margaret took on a job that included occasional royal duties but her primary role was that of "dutiful younger sister."

Despite the incredibly different roles the sisters were forced to play in public, the love and friendship between the women remained constant – even though their relationship was tested from time to time.

The love scandals

One of the most painful tests the sisters endured was when Margaret fell in love with Peter Townsend, a divorced war hero-turned-royal equerry. Evidence of the couple's affection for each other was seen at Elizabeth's coronation when Margaret was spotted casually brushing something from her lover's jacket.

It seemed much of the British public wanted to see Margaret marry the man she loved. Even Prime Minister Winston Churchill said, "What a delightful match. A lovely young Royal lady married to a gallant young airman, safe from the perils and horrors of war."

But Churchill was eventually swayed by the opinion of the royal family, who strongly opposed the match. As head of the Church of England, Queen Elizabeth wasn't expected to approve of divorce and, because Margaret was aged under 25, she would have to have the Queen's approval.

princess margaret and peter townsend the crown netflix
Princess Margaret and Peter Townsend as depicted in The Crown. (Netflix)

If we're to believe the storyline of The Crown's first season, the Queen was fully supportive of her sister wishes, and promised her, following a separation from her lover, she'd be allowed to be with him. We can only imagine that the sisters' relationship must have been very strained. According to The Crown, Elizabeth was incredibly torn between her love for her sister and her duty to her people.

But we'll never really know how the saga played out in private. Margaret needed her sister's permission to marry her lover. But, failing that, she'd have ask Parliament for the right to marry – and that would have caused a scandal even greater than an affair with a divorced man.

In 1955 a palace statement announced Margaret would follow her duty and not marry Peter Townsend.

According to Gore Vidal, Margaret once told him, "When there are two sisters and one is the queen, who must be the source of honour and all that is good, the other must be the focus of the most creative malice, the evil sister."

Princess Margaret married Anthony Armstrong-Jones in 1960. She was later connected to Roddy Llwewllyn (right). (Getty/AAP)

Princess Margaret later married photographer Anthony Armstrong-Jones in 1960, though the couple separated in 1976 and later divorced in 1978. But before the divorce was official, Margaret caused another headache for the royal family with the release of paparazzi photographs of her swimming with her younger lover, Roddy Llewellyn.

It's important to remember that this came at a time when it was a "big thing" for an older woman to be with a younger man and, with a 17 year age gap between the pair, the British media certainly went to town with the story. Once more, we can only imagine how the Queen responded to the drama in private with her sister.

While Margaret's behaviour might not have always been smiled upon by the Queen, there's no question the women remained close until Margaret's death at the age of 71, in 2002. The Queen Mother died just seven weeks later.

Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret attended the Girl Guides Rally at Hyde Park, May 10, 1946. (Sport & General Press Agency Limited)

When Margaret died, the Queen lost her closest friend. As she stood outside Margaret's funeral at St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle, the Queen was seen wiping away her tears as she mourned her confidante and constant companion.

It didn't really matter that one sister was a Queen and the other a princess – all that really mattered is that they were sisters.

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2020-04-18 22:21:42Z

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